Loving Others and Submission to Government

Occasionally during my Bible study time, I come across something that just screams at me to share. This morning was one such time. I read two passages back to back that spoke so directly to so much that I see daily in person and on social media. Romans 12:9-21 Paul reminds the Roman church (and us) about how we should behave and think as Christians. I found the reminder to love, live in harmony. and as much as is up to us to live at peace with everyone. The passage is longer and has much more in it, but those pieces really stood out today. Immediately following that passage, Romans 13:1-7, Paul exhorts the church to submit to the governing authorities because their authority comes from God. I don’t know about everyone else, but regardless of your political position, submitting to the government seems to be extraordinarily difficult right now and it’s good to have that reminder.

I’m not going to post the full text here, but I highly encourage everyone to read Romans 12:9-13:7 in its entirety and let the message there soak through you.

As always, I love you all!

One thought on “Loving Others and Submission to Government

  1. Good morning, David. I must admit that I struggle with this, especially right now during the run up to the election.

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