Spiritual 2×4’s

So, I’m sitting at home bored this evening and decide that since I had nothing better to do, I was going to crack open my trusty ol’ Bible and start reading from the start of the New Testament in Matthew. Many will notice the first problem, I did this because I was “bored and had nothing better to do.” Anyhow, I got to the Sermon the Mount in Matthew 5, and that’s when I got the “spiritual 2×4”

Few of you will know what I am referencing when I talk about some of the struggles that I’ve had with some people in the Civil Air Patrol over the last year or better. Basically, I was in tight with a group of people who, for no fault of their except rocking the boat a little, were removed from positions of authority within the state wide structure. Anyhow, new people came in, changed everything it seemed and through both direct and indirect actions left me on the outside looking in and not able to do anything about it. Through it all, I became jaded and bitter and angry towards those people and thought that everything they did was “out to get me and my friends” somehow.

The 2×4 moment came when I read Matthew 5:38-48 and realized that, duh, He was talking to me! I guess the whole point of this story is to remind everyone that as a Christian, we gave up our rights — all of them– to God on the day that we said yes we wanted Him to rule our lives. How often do we really and truly give all of us, every single atom, to Him? I know I haven’t done a very good job at all in my own life. I know only one thing for certain, and that I have resolved to from this day forward to give Him everything. Does that mean I won’t fail? Nope. It’ll happen, I know that without any doubt. But it’s what I do with that failure that will matter.

Reading this and I’m amazed how much life has happened since then and how many times I’ve found myself right back in that same place.

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