Brevity of Life

This is not the post that I originally intended to write today, but I felt like this was more important at this time than my original plans. The original plan will keep for another day.

Over the last several months, I, and likely many of you, have lost members of my extended circle of family and friends to the COVID-19 pandemic. People who prior to contracting the disease appeared to be fully healthy and strong. It has been a sobering reminder that none of us are guaranteed another moment of life. For those of us that in the past have already had brushes with our own mortality, this has been felt that much more acutely. Perhaps this is a reminder to all of us that we need to be prepared to leave this life at any moment.

What does this look like? Most critically it means having a relationship with Jesus that removes any doubt about one’s salvation and destination after this life. Having that kind of relationship makes the prospect of being called home, at any moment, one of anticipation and not one of anxiety. Image the joy when we aren’t worried about what’s next!

Living this way also means that we need to focus on our relationships. Make time to play with the kids and have those serious conversations as they get older. Have date nights with the spouse and cherish each other. Plan and participate in weekend get together’s with friends and family. Be the person that everyone around knows is a Christian and will help everyone that needs it. Someone gentle. Someone that doesn’t care if they are right in an argument. Essentially, be the person that is known for their love for others. Make it obvious that the people in our lives are more important than anything besides our relationship with Jesus. This way we will have truly lived out our lives on the earth to the fullest extent possible.

For everyone grieving the loss of a loved one during the last year, whether from the pandemic or otherwise, may God grant you peace. Know that I am praying for you, grieve with you, and love you all dearly.

One thought on “Brevity of Life

  1. Thank you, David. This is a great message and reminder for us all. Thank you for sharing. (We used to be houseparents at WCCH) 🙏🇺🇸

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